Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Alternative education Essay

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. A right to education has been recognized by some governments. At the global level, Article 13 of the United Nations’ 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Etymology Etymologically, the word â€Å"education† is derived from the Latin educatio from educo which is related to the homonym educo from e- and †duco . Type of education Education can take place in formal or informal educational settings. Formal education Systems of schooling involve institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum, which itself is established according to a predetermined purpose of the schools in the system. Schools systems are sometimes also based on religions, giving them different curricula. Curriculum In formal education, a curriculum is the set of courses and their content offered at a school or university. As an idea, curriculum stems from the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adults. A curriculum is prescriptive, and is based on a more general syllabus which merely specifies what topics must be understood and to what level to achieve a particular grade or standard. An academic discipline is a branch of knowledge which is formally taught, either at the university–or via some other such method. Each discipline usually has several sub-disciplines or branches, and distinguishing lines are often both arbitrary and ambiguous. Examples of broad areas of academic disciplines include the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, social sciences, humanities and applied sciences. Educational institutions may incorporate fine arts as part of K-12 grade curricula or within majors at colleges and universities as electives. The various types of fine arts are music, dance, and theater. Preschools The term preschool refers to a school for children who are not old enough to attend kindergarten. It is a nursery school. Preschool education is important because it can give a child the edge in a competitive world and education climate. While children who do not receive the fundamentals during their preschool years will be taught the alphabet, counting, shapes and colors and designs when they begin their formal education they will be behind the children who already possess that knowledge. The true purpose behind kindergarten is â€Å"to provide a child-centered, preschool curriculum for three to seven year old children that aimed at unfolding the child’s physical, intellectual, and moral nature with balanced emphasis on each of them. † This period of education is very important in the formative years of the child. Teachers with special skills and training are needed at this time to nurture the children to develop their potentials. Primary schools Primary education consists of the first 5–7 years of formal, structured education. In general, primary education consists of six or eight years of schooling starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries. Globally, around 89% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is rising. Under the Education For All programs driven by UNESCO, most countries have committed to achieving universal enrollment in primary education by 2015, and in many countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education. The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat arbitrary, but it generally occurs at about eleven or twelve years of age. Some education systems have separate middle schools, with the transition to the final stage of secondary education taking place at around the age of fourteen. Schools that provide primary education, are mostly referred to as primary schools. Primary schools in these countries are often subdivided into infant schools and junior school. In India, compulsory education spans over twelve years, out of which children receive elementary education for 8 years. Elementary schooling consists of five years of primary schooling and 3 years of upper primary schooling. Various states in the republic of India provide 12 years of compulsory school education based on national curriculum framework designed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training. Secondary schools In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education comprises the formal education that occurs during adolescence. It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, â€Å"post-secondary†, or â€Å"higher† education for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period, or a part of it, may be called secondary or high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, or vocational schools. The exact meaning of any of these terms varies from one system to another. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of schooling. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. In the United States, Canada and Australia primary and secondary education together are sometimes referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1–13 is used. The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge, to prepare for higher education or to train directly in a profession. The emergence of secondary education in the United States did not happen until 1910, caused by the rise in big businesses and technological advances in factories, that required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created, with a curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work. This proved to be beneficial for both employers and employees, for the improvement in human capital caused employees to become more efficient, which lowered costs for the employer, and skilled employees received a higher wage than employees with just primary educational attainment. In Europe, grammar schools or academies date from as early as the 16th century, in the form of public schools, fee-paying schools, or charitable educational foundations, which themselves have an even longer history. Alternative Alternative education, also known as non-traditional education or educational alternative, is a broad term that may be used to refer to all forms of education outside of traditional education . This may include not only forms of education designed for students with special needs, but also forms of education designed for a general audience and employing alternative educational philosophies and methods. Alternatives of the latter type are often the result of education reform and are rooted in various philosophies that are commonly fundamentally different from those of traditional compulsory education. While some have strong political, scholarly, or philosophical orientations, others are more informal associations of teachers and students dissatisfied with certain aspects of traditional education. These alternatives, which include charter schools, alternative schools, independent schools, homeschooling and autodidacticism vary, but often emphasize the value of small class size, close relationships between students and teachers, and a sense of community. Alternative education may also allow for independent learning and engaging class activities. Special In the past, those who were disabled were often not eligible for public education. Children with disabilities were often educated by physicians or special tutors. These early physicians set the foundation for special education today. They focused on individualized instruction and functional skills. Special education was only provided to people with severe disabilities in its early years, but more recently it has been opened to anyone who has experienced difficulty learning. Vocational Vocational education is a form of education focused on direct and practical training for a specific trade or craft. Vocational education may come in the form of an apprenticeship or internship as well as institutions teaching courses such as carpentry, agriculture, engineering, medicine, architecture and the arts. Informal education Autodidacticism Autodidacticism is self-directed learning that is related to but different from informal learning. In a sense, autodidacticism is â€Å"learning on your own† or â€Å"by yourself†, and an autodidact is a self-teacher. Autodidacticism is a contemplative, absorbing process. Some autodidacts spend a great deal of time reviewing the resources of libraries and educational websites. One may become an autodidact at nearly any point in one’s life. While some may have been informed in a conventional manner in a particular field, they may choose to inform themselves in other, often unrelated areas. Notable autodidacts include Abraham Lincoln, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Michael Faraday, Charles Darwin, Thomas Alva Edison, Tadao Ando, George Bernard Shaw, Frank Zappa,and Leonardo da Vinci . Indigenous Indigenous education refers to the inclusion of indigenous knowledge, models, methods and content within formal and non-formal educational systems. Often in a post-colonial context, the growing recognition and use of indigenous education methods can be a response to the erosion and loss of indigenous knowledge and language through the processes of colonialism. Furthermore, it can enable indigenous communities to â€Å"reclaim and revalue their languages and cultures, and in so doing, improve the educational success of indigenous students. † Education through recreation The concept of education through recreation was first applied to childhood development in the 19th century. In the early 20th century, the concept was broadened to include young adults but the emphasis was on physical activities. L. P. Jacks, also an early proponent of lifelong learning, described education through recreation: â€Å"A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labour and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself he always seems to be doing both. Enough for him that he does it well. † Education through recreation is the opportunity to learn in a seamless fashion through all of life’s activities. The concept has been revived by the University of Western Ontario to teach anatomy to medical students. Open education is fast growing to become the dominant form of education, for many reasons such as its efficiency and results compared to traditional methods. Cost of education has been an issue throughout history, and a major political issue in most countries today. Open education is generally significantly cheaper than traditional campus based learning and in many cases even free. Many large university institutions are now starting to offer free or almost free full courses such as Harvard, MIT and Berkeley teaming up to form edX Other universities offering open education are Stanford, Princeton, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Edinburgh, U. Penn, U. Michigan, U. Virginia, U. Washington, Caltech. It has been called the biggest change in the way we learn since the printing press. Many people despite favorable studies on effectiveness may still desire to choose traditional campus education for social and cultural reasons. The conventional merit system degree is currently not as common in open education as it is in campus universities. Although some open universities do already offer conventional degrees such as the Open University in the United Kingdom. Currently many of the major open education sources offer their own form of certificate. Due to the popularity of open education these new kind of academic certificates are gaining more respect and equal â€Å"academic value† to traditional degrees. Many open universities are working to have the ability to offer students standardized testing and traditional degrees and credentials. There has been a culture forming around distance learning for people who are looking to enjoy the shared social aspects that many people value in traditional on campus education that is not often directly offered from open education. Examples of this are people in open education forming study groups, meetups and movements such as UnCollege. Liberal arts colleges A liberal arts institution can be defined as a â€Å"college or university curriculum aimed at imparting broad general knowledge and developing general intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum. † Although what is known today as the liberal arts college began in Europe, the term is more commonly associated with Universities in the United States. Community colleges A nonresidential junior college offering courses to people living in a particular area. Learning modalities There has been much interest in learning modalities and styles over the last two decades. The most commonly employed learning modalities are: Visual: learning based on observation and seeing what is being learned. Auditory: learning based on listening to instructions/information. Kinesthetic: learning based on movement, e. g. hands-on work and engaging in activities. Other commonly-employed modalities include musical, interpersonal, verbal, logical, and intrapersonal. Dunn and Dunn focused on identifying relevant stimuli that may influence learning and manipulating the school environment, at about the same time as Joseph Renzulli recommended varying teaching strategies. Howard Gardner identified a wide range of modalities in his Multiple Intelligences theories. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter, based on the works of Jung, focus on understanding how people’s personality affects the way they interact personally, and how this affects the way individuals respond to each other within the learning environment. The work of David Kolb and Anthony Gregorc’s Type Delineator follows a similar but more simplified approach. Some theories propose that all individuals benefit from a variety of learning modalities, while others suggest that individuals may have preferred learning styles, learning more easily through visual or kinesthetic experiences. A consequence of the latter theory is that effective teaching should present a variety of teaching methods which cover all three learning modalities so that different students have equal opportunities to learn in a way that is effective for them. Guy Claxton has questioned the extent that learning styles such as VAK are helpful, particularly as they can have a tendency to label children and therefore restrict learning. Recent research has argued â€Å"there is no adequate evidence base to justify incorporating learning styles assessments into general educational practice. † Instruction Instruction is the facilitation of another’s learning. Instructors in primary and secondary institutions are often called teachers, and they direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects like reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. Instructors in post-secondary institutions might be called teachers, instructors, or professors, depending on the type of institution; and they primarily teach only their specific discipline.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Create a Marketing Plan Essay

When was the last time you dusted off that marketing plan you created for your business? Wait, you do have a marketing plan, right? Well, if your marketing plan somehow found its way to the recycle bin or if you have actually never planned out a marketing strategy for your business then BusinessMarketingBlog is going to help you. Before we jump into the 6 Simple Steps to Developing A Marketing Plan, it is important that you understand the following elements of every successful marketing plan: 1) Spend the time and resources to plot out your marketing strategy and budget 2) Implement your marketing plan 3) Analyze and adjust your marketing plan as needed 4) Refine your marketing plan for the upcoming year, quarter, month, etc. 6 Steps to an Effective Marketing Plan Step 1: Define the Purpose of Your Marketing Efforts Before you can create a successful marketing plan you must have a strong understanding of what the purpose of your marketing plan is. QUESTION: What do I want people to do after they have been exposed to my marketing? Your answer should be something very specific, not something vague like â€Å"I want my marketing to help my business grow.† Here are some common purposes that business owners use to drive their marketing efforts: * Get someone to pick up the phone and call me * Entice someone to email me * Get people to tell others about my marketing / business HINT: The more thought and planning you put into this first step, the higher your conversion rates will be throughout your marketing efforts. Step 2: Determine Your Competitive Advantage and Emphasize It Now that you have pinned down a couple of the purposes for your marketing plan it is time to think about and plan out how you are going to get people to complete these actions. QUESTION: Why will people take the specified actions you have identified? You must determine what your competitive advantage is over your competitors. Sure, you probably have a lot of great benefits and value adds,  but you need determine your one strongest and most specific competitive advantage. HINT: Stress your competitive advantage as a solution to a problem (if possible). Step 3: Determine Your Target Audience Your marketing plan cannot be effective unless you know the specific demographics of the customers you are trying to reach. Again, try to be as specific as possible as the most effective marketing plans are centered around targeted, accurate broadcasting and not so much reaching the highest number of people possible. A thousand random prospects will usually not earn you as much profit as 10 of the right prospects. QUESTION: Which group of people will be most accepting and willing to receive my marketing message? You can save a ton of money by knowing who your target audience is and tailoring your marketing to that group of people. HINT: Identify ALL of your target groups, BUT market to each group with tailored, targeted messages. Step 4: Determine Your Marketing Methods There are so many ways to market a business these days; however, only a few marketing methods and mediums are raising to the top as being the most cost effective and penetrating. Get out of your old, set ways of how marketing needs to be and expand your efforts into some of today’s most effective means of reaching prospects. Ask yourself this question: QUESTION: Which marketing strategies will allow me to reach my prospects where they are without annoying or interrupting them and will I be able to directly track the results of these efforts? Online marketing is one of, if not, the most cost effective ways to market a business these days. We recommend a comprehensive marketing campaign that includes all of the following online marketing methods: * Business Website and/or Blog * Paid Search Marketing * Search Engine Optimization * Social Media Marketing * Email Marketing * Video Marketing HINT: Hire a professional to implement and maintain these online marketing services for you. You will save a ton of money in the long run. Step 5:  Determine Your Niche Now that you have pin-pointed your purpose, benefits and target market, you need to define your niche. Ask yourself this question: QUESTION: When people hear your product / business / company name, what’s the first thing that crosses their minds? Is it price, speed, exclusivity, service, value or something else? Your answer to this is your niche, also known as positioning, and it is what your prospects see and expect from you. The more defined and specialized your business becomes, the more likely it is to succeed in the long run so put some thought into this one. HINT: Once you define your niche, specialize in it as much as possible and communicate this niche throughout all of your marketing Step 6: Determine Your Marketing Budget Last, but most definitely not the least important, is to define what your marketing budget is for your business. Your marketing budget is something that should be evaluated at least 4 times a year, if not more. You should stick to your planned budget as much as possible. Too often do we see businesses get nervous in tough economies and decide to cut expenses with marketing being one of the first to see cuts. QUESTION: Do you really think that cutting your marketing budget or holding off on aggressive marketing is going to position your business appropriately in any economy? Marketing is not something you should ever cut corners on, especially in down economies when opportunities are ripe for cheaper market penetration. We recommend preparing to spend at least 10% of your gross sales on marketing your business. HINT: Calculate your marketing budget using your projected gross sales; this will help you operate in a growth mode. If you work off of your current sales then you will be plan ning a marketing strategy to just tread water. Putting It All Together These 6 steps are more than enough to get you started on developing a real marketing plan for your business. There are many more elements to a full scale marketing plan that deserves time, research and planning; however, once this work is done and you are able to see, follow, analyze and refine your marketing plan we can almost guarantee that your business will be taken to new levels of success that you have not experienced yet. Good luck and  please let us know if you need assistance or have specific questions about any or all of the steps outlined above.

Acet Essy

In order for the Committee on Admission and Aid to get to know you better, answer the question below in the form of an essay. â€Å"Are there any significant experiences you have had, or accomplishments you have realized that have helped to define you as a person? † â€Å"l love you, Lord, my strength. † In the course of my life, I have encountered several trials and several attainments, but despite all of those experiences; one unforgettable moment struck me the most. The car accident happened in a Sunday evening back in February of 2011.There was a strong hit at the right side of the back of our car which led the car to swerve to the feet, and collide on a passing Jeep. The sad thing about the incident was that the point of impact on my side was strong. I fell unconscious after my head hit the door and I didn't know what happened next. I only felt that I was regaining consciousness when I was already in a tricycle with my dad. My vision wasn't clear and I can feel som ething painful on my face; I was troubled and nervous about what was going on and what has happened.Vie come to understand it after I woke up in a hospital lying on a bed. I was very confused why I was laid on a bed, why my mom and relatives were around me. It turned out that I was the one they were fretting over. My mom told me about the accident while she was sobbing. My mind went blank; all I can think about was, â€Å"How? Why? Is this real? † I was transferred and referred to another hospital, then another until I had my operation. The doctors read all laboratory findings and tests and they told me that I was lucky enough that my left eye didn't end up blind.I was seriously hurt physically and mentally. Knowing the bills for the operation, medicines, hospital was very grieving. My parent's had to pay thousands of pesos Just because of what happened to me. They had to drive to and from one capital to another Just for check-ups. My conscience ate me, â€Å"Aka kaki eh! Gu ng Hindi aka undergrad's, wall an sang epigraph Pasadena mega angular MO at serial MO! † I felt that I was held responsible that we were experiencing those hardships.It wasn't easy for me to bear that thought, and then another thought entered my mind, â€Å"Piano gung sill Mommy, Daddy, bat mongo chapatti at pins nag undergrad's? Slang pat nag nightcap at aka okay an okay? † I can't even stand the thought of it ever happening. I said to myself that I was a hero for saving them; it was far okay for me to be the one who's hurt and not them. I have come to realize and regret so many things in life that time; in the billions of people in the world, why me? Out of the many possible things that could have happened, why this?Why was the taxi driver so reckless and so stupid? Had I not lead a virtuous and faithful life to deserve this? Why? I felt so many regrets and blame. There were so many questions and realizations that passed through my mind. It wasn't very easy for me to bear what I have gone through. It went to the point that I questioned God why did it happen. I experienced a lot of suffering and struggle when I was still in the hospital ND recovering at home. I missed almost the 4th quarter of my 1st year high school started the 4th Quarter at a very short time.In spite of the downfall I experienced; I clung on to the Lord and believed on myself on what the future I hold if I let it pass or let it be a chance for better progress. I believed that it was a test from God to see if I will fall down or stand up. I was sure that it was only the beginning of how life really was. â€Å"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. † It reflected the life Vie gone through back then. This incident made e define myself as it allowed me put myself in others' shoes.I saw my condition as a chance to reflect and see what was really going on. It defined me as a person in a way that I showed more importance fo r others than myself. My faith was more sincere and true. No matter what pint of depression, no matter what pint of loneliness you're in, no matter how deep of trouble you are; God will always walk with you and will always be with you facing those difficulties. Guided by this vision and understanding, I was awarded a bronze medal in the Honors' Assembly the following school year. Hoping that more of these will come and God will continue to bless and guide me.It was a Sunday evening in February 13 of 2011 that our family experienced a car accident, and I faced a tragic event in my life. It was the most depressing and fearful episode of my life I have ever experienced. Deep thoughts entered my mind, emotions and feelings Vie never felt before. Will I take it as an obstacle in my life or take it as an opportunity? I made a decision to take it as an opportunity and use it for my never ending success in the continuous days of my life. â€Å"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. † -John F. Kennedy

Monday, July 29, 2019

Research controversy surrounding the constitutionality of using civil Paper

Controversy surrounding the constitutionality of using civil junctions against gangs - Research Paper Example Law enforcement department simply requires to present concrete and enough evidence associating the person to the named gang. The law enforcement agency should provide the identity of people they hang out with, the color of clothes they wear and the tattoos on their body. Due to this, gang injunctions in the US have elicited a heated debate and controversy. Civil rights lobbyists argue that the strategy and the system is not effective and that it violates human rights. They assert that it is unconstitutionally wrong to allow gangs to operate legally. This according to the civil rights movement motivates racial profiling and suppressive policing. Further, they assert that it criminalizes young individuals who may never have done or committed some crimes (O'Deane 48). Wearing wrong colors or a minor mistake or being spotted conversing with a known gang member can be sufficient to get you listed as a gang member. Once an individual is on the list, it is difficult to get a job and difficu lt to escape the area that funnels you into a gang. Law enforcement agents have used injunctions for a long time in fighting gang violence in California. It was first used in Los Angeles in the 1980s; the strategy has proved ineffective in fighting gang violence. ... Supporters of gang injunctions have asserted that the various limitations and threat of penalties act as a deterrent to criminal activities. Nevertheless, in case the reason injunctions are successful has nothing to do with the penalties and limitations that draw the attention of civil rights lawyers. The answer centers on what happens to the gang members when police officers give them evidence they possess of their criminal activities. Traditionally, police officers conceal the information before letting the case to proceed to trial. The law enforcers assume that informing the criminals or gang members about the evidence they have collected against them only assists them defend themselves during trial. However, the success of the gang injunctions is psychological in that by informing the criminals know that they are being monitored, they eventually change and modify their actions and behaviors (Grogger 77). Civil gang injunctions emerged out of extreme anxiety. In the early 190s, th e Los Angeles law enforcers were finding it to control and manage the gangs and these gangs were almost taking control of the city. Assault, homicide, and robbery rates were increasing rapidly. The drug business seemed to be increasing. The gang fights and shooting happened in daylight in public areas. Due to these heinous and criminal activities, gang injunctions were introduced as a strategy for the law enforcement agencies to control the gang activities in the city. Police officers and other law enforcers got a civil court injunction forbidding gang activity in some cities such as Pomona, West Covina, and Santa Ana in Los Angeles. The civil injunctions saw police officers address gang members as a group

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Interpretations of David Lynch's film Blue Velvet (1986) often suggest Essay

Interpretations of David Lynch's film Blue Velvet (1986) often suggest that the film either cultivates the sincere and innocent - Essay Example They do not reveal anything about the investigation but it is here that he meets Sandy (Laura Dern), the detective’s daughter, who unveils what her father has deciphered about the case- that a woman named Dorothy Vallens (Isabella Rossellini) is a suspect of the case. Jeffrey then poses as a help man and as Dorothy is engaged in conversation with a man in the yellow suit (to whom Jeffrey later refers to as Yellow Man), Jeffrey takes the key to Dorothy’s apartment. Sandy and Jeffrey then attend Dorothy’s nightclub act where she sings ‘Blue Velvet’, and from thereon Jeffrey leaves early to sneak into Dorothy’s apartment to find clues. When Dorothy arrives he hides in her closet, but she sensing him finds him with a knife in her hand. Mistaking Jeffrey’s curiosity for sexual interest she forces him to undress as she threatens him with the knife. At this point Dorothy engages in orally stimulating Jeffrey. The encounter is interrupted by a knock on the door whereby Dorothy pushes Jeffrey back in the closet from where he witnesses that the visitor-Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper)- attempts to molest, abuse and rape Dorothy. Hiding in the closet Jeffrey finds that Frank Booth is a drug dealer who has kidnapped Dorothy’s husband and son so that he may use Dorothy to satisfy his sexual appetite. When Frank has left Dorothy turns to Jeffrey and attempts to make him mistreat her but he refuses and leaves even upon her insistence for him to stay. Jeffrey later relays his experience to Sandy and subsequently they go to Dorothy’s club where she performs Blue Velvet yet again. At the club Jeffrey observes Frank Booth who is fondling a piece of blue velvet which he had torn from Dorothy’s clothes the night Jeffrey has witnessed his assault and rape of Dorothy. It is then that Jeffrey decides to follow Frank. The next scenes show Jeffrey prying on Frank and his connection with the Yellow Man and another man which Jeffrey identifies as the Well Dressed Man. Jeffrey goes onto inform Sandy about his new findings and it is then that the sexual tension between the two breaks and they engage in a soft kiss. But Sandy is reluctant to go any further with Jeffrey because she has a boyfriend and Jeffrey taking this as rejection turns to Dorothy and the two have sexual intercourse. During this second intimate encounter with Dorothy, Dorothy is able to extract a frustrated reaction from Jeffrey whereby he turns and hits her. Instantly, we see that Jeffrey regrets this violent act but Dorothy enjoys it. Afterwards, Frank Booth finds Dorothy and Jeffrey coerces them to go to his partner Ben’s apartment. The scene at Ben’s residence is sadistic, here Ben sings ‘In Dreams’ and in the wake of this music Frank punches Jeffrey to unconsciousness when Jeffrey attempts to hit Frank when the later molests Dorothy. In the morning Frank wakes up in the yard where he had been beaten uncons cious and goes to Sandy’s father (the detective) to relay the entire course of events. That day Sandy accompanies Jeffrey to a dance and upon their return to Jeffrey’s residence they find a stricken, naked and traumatized Dorothy on Jeffrey’s lawn. Sandy is gone to fetch the police and her father and take them to Dorothy’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Joe Breen's Personal Propaganda Machine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Joe Breen's Personal Propaganda Machine - Essay Example in Espar). In 1934, Hays was joined by Joe Breen, a strict Catholic moralist, and assigned to run the Production Code Administration (PCA). Today's movie codes grew out of these early efforts to classify and render movies safe for children and general public consumption. But was this an effort to make our movie houses safe for women and children Or was there something more sinister than a few obscenities at work In fact, Hays cared little about keeping pornography away from children. His self-serving interest had been to keep the government away from the movies. His misguided attempts would backfire years later as the PCA would evolve into the center of cultural warfare. The Legion of Decency, headed by Breen, joined alliances with Hays, not to regulate morality, but to create an agency who's purpose was to control society, further their personal political ideals, and shape the mind of America. There is little room for controversy over the need to protect our children from the vast array of products and influences available today. There are good reasons why alcohol, tobacco, and pornography are well regulated by society and kept from the hands of children, and it is nothing new. Censorship has existed in every society since the Athenians arrested Socrates for "... corrupting the children and offending the Gods" (Riley 4). Yes, the world has censorship and censorship is here to stay. In fact, without the modern movie code system of PG, PG-13, and XXX that was spawned by the PCA, it would be impossible for responsible parents to adequately screen the volume of content available today. In spite of the problems within the PCA, the Codes have turned out to be a workable solution to a very complex problem. However, there is a wise old adage that says, "The good is found in the intentions, but the bad is in the unintended consequences". In the case of the PCA, it may be exactly t he opposite. The PCA may have resulted in good consequences, in spite of the worst of intentions. Peering 75 years into the past to measure the intentions of men long passed is not an easy task. Yet, we can examine the things they said and the things they did. We can read their quotes and read their writings. We can evaluate what was cut out, what was left in, and try to see if there is a common thread that runs throughout that might re-stitch the fabric of their thoughts. Putting this information in context with the cultural and social setting of the time, the depression, the looming war, bigotry, and racism can give us a glimpse inside the mind of the PCA. The original PCA codes were adopted from the Catholic Movie Code and were very specific as to what they deemed a transgression. In part they stated that a film could never "...lower the moral standards of those who see it. Hence the sympathy of the audience should never be thrown to the side of crime, wrong-doing, evil or sin"(Heins). What was considered wrong-doing, evil, and sin varied far and wide and was almost always at the mercy of Breen's interpretation. Semi nudity, lustful kissing, and sexual innuendo were all forbidden. Brutality, drinking, bathrooms, double beds, extra-marital affairs, and other transgressions of Catholic Doctrine have all fallen victim to the censor's ax at one time or another. Yet, the PCA went further to dictate that, "Government and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Detailed specification and costs of a mobile computing device and a Essay

Detailed specification and costs of a mobile computing device and a desktop machine - Essay Example Computers do many different things by using the same hardware (all the solid stuff in and on the case) but using different software, programs which tell the computer what to do and how to do it. Computers come in three basic types: desktop, laptop and palmtop. The desktop which usually consists of a box, a screen, a mouse and a keyboard can usually do more than the others. The laptop, sometimes called a notebook or subnotebook PC. These machines are all-in-one packages with the computer, keyboard, mouse and display screen all together. They are generally not as powerful as a desktop and the desktop costs less for the same features, because the portability is expensive. Palmtops are really small subnotebooks, not much bigger than your hand. However, to qualify as a palmtop computer it has to have all the same attributes as the others: it must run different programs which you can buy and install, it must have an input device, a processing unit and the ability to output to a device. A PDA is a Personal Digital Assistant. It has many of the functions of the computers, but very limited capacity and power, partly due to its small size. The high end PDAs include word processing, email, calculating, databases and Internet access. Some come with simplified accounting software as many users need them to make entries into expense accounts. Mapping and GPS is a very popular function on these devices, and a few, called smart phones, have a cell phone, possibly a camera and Bluetooth and edge wireless technology built in. Most newly manufactured PDAs will accept external memory cards to expand their capacity. Most PDAs will connect to your computer in order to synchronize information, such as contact lists, to-do lists, and calendars. They can also move music, photo and video files back and forth between the machines. (Gookin, Dan, 31-44) So let’s look at the components of these devices and exactly what they do. Once thing they all share is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Weekly questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Weekly questions - Assignment Example Wilson notes that individuals do what is required of them and are well-mannered and identify incidences where the requirement for confirmation is best for the community. One of the primary attributes of societies that Wilson identifies is society members share collective principles, and it appears as if regulations are a form of the collective principles for the advancement of the society (Wilson 37-40). According to Wilson (42), both law and morals purpose to dictate people’s behavior. While the law involves sanctions for disobedience, morality involves incentives, both positive and negative. Homer’s society has no rationality of wickedness or guilt, and personal internal control is absent. Instead, people in the society are controlled and guided by social rules. However, this may be confusing since an individual may not know what to think of it (Wilson 45). This is because if they are not guided by conscience, but social rules, how did people developed the need to appease other people and collaborate within the society. On the other hand, Plato sees the people as controlled by internal conscience that attempts to achieve harmony within every individual (Wilson 53-5). In Omelas, the child suffered in place of the whole community, and thereafter everyone went on with their business and activities in a paradise with no sin or guilt. All this was done in order to keep the boy in the basement away from the public. Everyone who had interacted with the boy only kicked his food, and he could not apprehend what was going on (Wilson 63-68). Notably, the city is in peace, and everyone is in pleasure simply because the boy is suffering and kept away. To make matters worse, the people know that the boy is there, and they are okay with it. In this case, everyone in the city chooses pleasure over morality. Though it has been decades since his death, Freud set a center stage for continued research. This is because even up to today, some of his theories are

Introduction to international relations class, summary related to Essay

Introduction to international relations class, summary related to course on Path to War - Essay Example However, Path to War did not only highlight the personal dilemmas that the president had to deal with during the Vietnam debacle. The movie also exposed the two lines of thought and the corresponding approaches in international relations during the time of the Cold War. In fact, many of the scenes of the debates that took place the Johnson administration’s cabinet meetings focus on these concerns. The ‘domino theory’ was a very influential concept among the politicians at that time. The U.S. government itself was its strongest believer. This theory is based on the analysis that if one country becomes communist, the neighboring countries would surely follow, just like the pieces of the domino. In Path to War, Johnson is portrayed to have firmly believed that once South Vietnam is reunited with the North, it would become communist too. Subsequently, the rest of the countries in Indochina and the entire Southeast Asia could all fall under communist regimes. With this theory in mind, the Johnson administration at the onset of the war were all one in arguing for the necessity of preventing the fall of South Vietnam to the hands of the local communist insurgents. To do so, it sent military advisers to the Southeast Asian country in order to train its armed forces.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Effect Of Television On Family Relationships Essay

Effect Of Television On Family Relationships - Essay Example When the television was first introduced in the market, it was in the homes of the rich and were kept in bars, the latter being the place where it reached more people. Slowly there was a demographic shift in the TV viewing population. The middle-income and low-income people started to own or aspired to own a television set resulted in defining the nature of the programs shown. The program quality was not better than the high school drama’s previously, but after the shift in the demography of the audience, there was a surge of programs which showed the reality of life. Larger than life emotions and problems did not suit the living room viewing as they have to be based on the reception in the living room. The program content was scrutinized for suitability for family viewership, the production budgets and plats were spruced up to suit the growing demand for variety in TV entertainment. Television did not occupy a special place in the living rooms of the families in America all a t once. The production capacities were limited and the program content was still developing, national signals were still talked about in the early decades of television. But if we analyze what caused a huge acceptance among the public that it is an essential in the living room. The magazine opinion helped in the leap of TV sets into the living room of families across America. All through the early years of television growth, it was emphasized thoroughly that television helps to improve family relationships by various sources. It was believed to bring the members of the family together. In the commercials and in the pictures in magazines, a family watching TV happily as a loving and bonding time was projected. This phenomenon was further enhanced by the baby boom and the suburbanization of American families. When families leave behind their friends and extended family, TV was positioned as an important tool to strengthen the existing family ties. Also, it

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What could happen if computers substituted human thinking Research Paper

What could happen if computers substituted human thinking - Research Paper Example Understanding and thinking is the route to develop curiosity in every human being which enables them to explore, learn and interact with the surrounding. Accordng to Walter (2008), we have a network of relationships in our mind (Preface, p. XIII). The conceived thought can be used either in a constructive manner or destructive manner. Human thinking skills have developed innovative technologies over the years. In modern civilized society, in many households we are using automatic dishwashers, riding lawnmowers, T.V. remote controls, automatic garage door openers, power screwdrivers, bread machines, electric pencil sharpeners, etc., etc. etc. Humans have created computers to facilitate this easy and comfortable life. Unfortunately this trend in workplaces and living areas is taking our lives into pitfalls by making us lethargic and passive. We are going against our health that too, without much realization. Overuse and overview of these items restricting our diverse physical movements, and still we are calling it as a wonderful life. Irony is that, do we really want our life to be dull, lazy with all ill health effects If we let these technologies take over us, it might happen that over the time we could become slaves of the technology. Computerization is facing criticism due to its unparalleled powers to harm life for all future generations. An unknown new way gives rise to whole set of new questions. These problems might be such that we would have never thought of. The consequences of the substitution of human thinking by computers might entail unprecedented risks to human health and the environment. The mental ability of human being is irreplaceable by any artificially created intelligence which is not self supportive. Computers are created and used to carry out number of predefined activities in an orderly fashion (Walter, 2008). They are programmed according to human intellect and translate the commands in a sequential fashion without knowing the end

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pulmonary Disease or Lung Disease Essay Example for Free

Pulmonary Disease or Lung Disease Essay Pulmonary disease or lung disease is any disease or disorder that occurs in the lungs or that causes the lungs or that causes the lungs not to work correctly. Some diseases or disorders that affect the lungs are Pneumothrax, Pneumonia, Hemothorax, and Infectious Mononucleosis: Epstein Barr virus Infection. There are many signs, symptoms, treatments and medications for Pulmonary diseases. Symptoms and signs for Pneumothorax varies from patient to patient but usually includes Sudden and sharp soreness in the chest on the region where the lung is affected. Briefness of breath is a symptom depending the quantity of the lung that is collapsed there could be more or less shortness of breath. Tension in the chest around the area of the collapsed lung is a symptom or sign. Another Symptom or Sign is rapid heartbeat. Treatment for Pneumothorax is to allow the lung to heal. The quantity of the patient’s lung that is collapsed will determine whether the doctor needs to monitor the condition with X-rays until the lung re-expands to normal this can take up to a few days or a few weeks. Needle or chest tube insertion is a form of treatment when the lung has collapsed this is how the doctor will remove the air from the patient’s lung. Chest tubes are often attached to a suction device that will constantly remove air from chest cavity this suction device can be in position for a couple of hours or a few days. Video assisted thoracoscopy is a commonly used surgical process where the doctor inserts two to three tubes one tube is for the camera while the other tubes are used to close the air leak with surgical tools. Video assisted thoracoscopy usually works but if it does not a surgical process with an incision may be needed. Medications for Pneumathrax are anesthetics and analgesics which should be used if the patient is not in distress. Antibiotics after chest tube insertion may decrease complications. Coding for Pneumothorax is 512 (requires a fourth numeral). Pneumonia is an infective inflammation of the lungs (Frazier Drzymkowski, 2009). Symptoms and signs of Pneumonia can differ from patient to patient but include fever, cough, and shortness of breath, sweating and shaking chills. Other symptoms and signs of Pneumonia are chest pain that changes with breathing headaches, muscle soreness and exhaustion. Treatment for Pneumonia differ depending on how bad the symptoms and signs are and the type of Pneumonia the patient has. Bacterial Pneumonia will be treated with antibiotics. Viral Pneumonia is treated with antiviral medications, plenty of rest and plenty of fluids. Mycoplasma Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. Fungal Pneumonia is caused by fungus and is treated with antifungal medication. There are several medications that can be taken for Pneumonia. Amoxil is an antibiotic it must be taken for the entire length the doctor prescribed to be completely treated. Bactrim is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Flagyl fights infection caused by bacteria. Zyvox fights bacteria in the body. The ICD-9-CM Code for Pneumonia is 486 (organism unnamed). Hemothorax is the accumulation of blood and fluid in the pleural cavity (Frazier Drzymkowski, 2009). The symptoms and signs of Hemothorax are nervousness, chest soreness, rapid heart rate, restlessness, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms and signs of Hemothorax are pale and damp skin weak pulse, and falling blood pressure. When treating Hemothorax the goal is to stop bleeding, get rid of the blood and air in the pleural space. A tube can be placed in the chest wall to deplete air and blood. The tube will be kept in place for several days to re-expand the lung. The blood that is lost must be replaced. Surgery may be needed to stop the bleeding. Medication for Hemothorax would be an antibiotic when tubes are in the patient’s chest. Pain control may be required in the chest area where the tube is going to inserted in the patient’s chest. The ICD-9-CM Code is 511. 8. Infectious Mononucleosis Epstein-Barr Virus Infection is also is known as Mono. Mono has many symptoms and signs they are exhaustion, weakness, uncomfortable throat, fever, inflamed tonsils, headache, irritation on skin, loss of hunger, nighttime sweats. Inflamed lymph nodes in the patient’s neck or armpits are also symptoms and signs of Mono. Mono is viral infection so antibiotics will not work to heal it. Bed rest and plenty of fluids are needed to fight Mono. Rinse your throat with lukewarm salt water to ease painful throat. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for soreness and fever. The ICD-9-CM Code for Mono is 075. Pulmonary disease or lung disease affects all people. All Pulmonary diseases have different symptoms, signs, forms of treatment, different types of medication and ICD-9 codes.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Science And God In Frankenstein

Science And God In Frankenstein What is science? In the nineteenth century many believed it was attempting to play God. During this era new scientific discoveries in Europe were immense, and controversy over them was extreme. Not only did this new movement challenge the principles of Christianity but the belief in God. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein through Victor Frankensteins perilous journey shows the destruction behind mans thirst for scientific knowledge and the ethical reasons as to why man should not play God (cite). Victor Frankenstein attempts to go beyond human bounds and undertake in the greatest mistake of his life. Victors experiment created in the name of science holds the key to which Victor believes is his future success (cite). The Accomplishment of his toils is described as a wretched male figure formed from the corpses of others (Frankenstein, 34). Through his efforts, Frankenstein brings this figure to life, and his desire to succeed and discover impel him to play God. It was the secrets of heaven and earth that [he] desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied [him] (22) (cite.) However, Frankenstein is so deeply captivated with bringing about life that he fails to recognize the moral affects the creature will have on society, and most importantly that there could possibly be an explanation we cant create life unnaturally or be immortal. After the completion of his experiment, Frankens tein begins to recognize some of the consequences when he states, how can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pain and care I had endeavoured to form?(34) (cite). Is it not irresponsible and foolish to create life from death, while what is alive is not fully comprehended? When Frankenstein saw his creation and admitted his dissatisfaction, some may ask why he would create such a monster knowing it would definitely not fit into society. The clear explanation would be he fears his own death, thus trying to obtain the knowledge of life to prevent it. Frankensteins scientific pursuit is for his selfish means, not for the betterment of society. Frankenstein remarks by saying, The labours of men of genius, however erroneously directed, scarcely ever fail in ultimately turning to the solid advantage of mankind (34). The novel goes on to prove this could be no farther from the truth. By simply addressing the issue that some scientists may be erroneously directed, Frankenstein shows he is considering the ulterior motives of his plans. He is recognizing that his motives may not be for the advantage of mankind, and that this would be simply a bi-product of his creation. Frankenstein also fails to realize what society would think of his creature and how the creature would be affected by the general public. The creature is sent out into the world with the temperament of man, but entirely lacking the guidance and nurturing that all creatures need. This role playing of God is not what man was intended for, and children are made of a sperm and egg, not the hands of man. Who could handle the responsibility of controlling life? Only a Divine Power could control such an intricate process, and is a responsibility no person could endure. Victor takes many simple things for granted in his life, which are symbolized through the monster. I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me (129). All the monster requests is someone to share his life with, to live happily, and be loved; and through these pleasures the monster witnesses happiness. Victors scientific pursuit interferes with his life and ruins his happiness. He loses the desire for companionship because of his endeavors, and though Elizabeth longs for his return, he is too engaged in his work. Frankenstein has an opportunity to be happy, but the monster is never given the chance. This presents Shelleys argument that when you allow things such as science to get in the way of your true needs, such as love, you will not live a life worth living. Frankenstein and his monster are both miserable because they both live their life without love. He solved the most incomprehensible question, he reached the peak of scientific understanding, he accomplished his goals, yet he is miserable. For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart (42). Shelley purposely lets Frankenstein accomplish his goal, but she makes a point that if the scientific knowledge of life cant bring happiness then no scientific knowledge can. Victor is so infatuated with completing his task and achieving fame that he fails to realize the lasting affects or consequences of his breakthrough. Shelley makes a valid argument that in many ways, we would all be better off without complex scientific thought: Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow (38). Victor advises Walton by declaring, Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries (200). This passage evidently discusses Victors selfishness in fulfilling his objective. Shelley argues that scientists who are only seeking fame and fortune do not consider the long term effects and will be considered notorious.

Are People With Anorexia Or Obesity Deviant?

Are People With Anorexia Or Obesity Deviant? Anorexia is seen as deviant because it defined as an illness. People literally starve themselves at times. It is a world known behaviors especially in women. Many women become victims to anorexia due to society and the media creating the perfect body for people. (deviance sociology) this is mentioned in the functionalist theory which looks at society. Obesity people are seen as deviant because people stereotype them as lazy, slobs and ugly. Medically overweight people are those who are 20 percent over their ideal weight. (deviance) The media is one of the most influential cultures; it can impact individuals and cause society issues. It can impact society negatively due people relying on media for information. (Wright 1986). How does society define the right weight? If there was no gym or healthy table how would you know if you had the right weight? American Company Metropolitan established the first table of the right weights and height in 1942; it was based on the measurements and life spans of a large number of their clients. (Deviance and social control p. 129). Healthy people find it easier to get insurance, somebody suffering from obesity or anorexia will struggle to get health insurance. Women have been stereotyped there image since history could remember. In ninetieth century to be thin signaled nervous exhaustion and lack of fitness to fulfill the ideals of wife and motherhood (Ewen 1988). Only in the 1920s did the image of women start to change. Anorexia can be seen as a form of rebellion A Sociologists looks at issues from a different perspective, they focus their attention on social factors. They look at regularities as with all social behavior, it is socially patterned.   Emile Durkheim Deviance has to do with going against the norms of a particular society. For years it has been discussed how celebrities and their super slim bodies have tainted the self-image of the very impressionable youths. We have reached a point where eating disorders have saturated the adolescent population and as such society has expressed their disgust. Previously it was a topic that was avoided as much as possible but the realization has come forth that the only way to attack this problem is head-on. As such, a very negative stigma has been placed on eating disorders especially anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. This stigma has caused those affiliated with the act to be viewed as deviants and treated as such. They are institutionalized so that they can be rehabilitated and released back into society when it is thought that they can function normally. The Interactionist Perspective emphasizes things such as peer pressure, the influence of role models, and the role of peer groups on an individual (Adler and Adler 49). Because people often associate with others who are similar to themselves, the obese persons peer group becomes many other obese people. Often, these people reinforce each others eating and exercise habits, as well as beliefs concerning obesity. It becomes an acceptable practice to eat often and poorly as well as not exercise. These peer groups perform the function of support and acceptance, making the obese person feel better about him/herself. The group even allows its members to feel a sense of normalcy about themselves. Outside of this peer group, however, these people are seen as deviant. According to McLorg and Taub, as a part of developing the deviant identity, people experience both primary and secondary deviance (Adler and Adler 247-250). Between these stages is societal reaction. In primary deviance, the person violates norms that do not affect self-concept or social role performance. In this stage, the person overeats, but has not yet begun showing signs of being overweight or obese. They do not feel differently about themselves. Between stages, the person begins to be visibly deviant, and is labeled obese by society. In secondary deviance, the person deviates in response to societys having labeled them. Once this has occurred, the obese person internalizes that identity and begins to interact with others in such a fashion. It affects his or her self-concept and social roles. One begins to associate with others like him/herself. At this point, the deviant has achieved a new status that defines him/her. Additionally, the people surrounding the deviant often expec t the person to fulfill the deviant role. Deviance is not the person who is being breaking the rules but the social groups who apply those rules. The deviant behavior is who labels the people (Becker 1963:9). According to downs 1999 labelling theory has had a dramatic impact on social policy. It stresses the negative consequences of societal reactons to deviance that have more to do wth stigmatizing outsiders than attempting to prevent crime. Obesity can be considered deviant due to its societal reaction. Obesity is visibly deviant, therefore, making it easier for the labeling process to occur. Once the obese person has been labeled, he or she is deviant. besity has become statistically an average behavior in the United States. Nevertheless, it is still abnormal. The norm stands that thinness is attractive and worthy (Adler and Adler, 245). So long as this norm is upheld, obesity will be deviant and people will be labeled for their deviance and inability to conform. Also, it has been noted in a study done by Hammarlund et al, that poor family functioning and parental control are risk factors contributing to childhood obesity. Adult obesity is often rooted in childhood obesity making it harder to lose weight later in life (Wardlaw 324). Deviant behaviour is pathological in that it repents the viollateion of shared norkms (Elliott et al. 1985) have shown thast young people behaviour needs to be understood in terms of immediate goals (such as doing well in school, being popular and being successful in sporot) as well as long term economic success ( Lawson snd heaton 1999:58). Women are taught that image is their master status and that those who do not meet a lofty standard will be branded as inferior or unfit (or in the words of Tepperman, citing Erving Goffman, stigmatized. [Tepperman, 52]) Becker 1963:9: What kinds people commit deviant acts (Roach Anleu 2006:26). 2500 words defend argument provide evidence refer work to sociologists sujpport claims use the sociological models to organize the argument atleasst 10 references It further questions why, given those definitions, some people come to be defined as deviant, and what consequences this has for them (downes 1999:223). Girls as young as six or seven years of age react to being labeled. This labeling often originates when mothers pressure their young daughters into becoming aware of their physical appearance. (ibid) This image pressure can range from nominally harmless activities like encouraging children to play with make-up and dresses to overtly telling a chubby child that she should lose weight. By enshrining image and appearance near the top of the childs list of cultural goals, mothers often render their daughters susceptible to further and perhaps more harmful pressures from other sources in their adolescent years. Mertonian Functionalism and Symbolic Interactionism are only two of the many sociological perspectives that make substantial contributions to our understanding of eating disorders One particular example of research that an SI sociologist might perform would be an examination of the intervention process. Many individuals who are perceived to suffer from a psychological illness, including those related to body image such as obesity and anorexia, are subject to interventions and confrontations by their friends and family. During an intervention, a wide variety of social sources attempt to get the subject to admit to having a problem. This strategy of confrontation is not unlike the way that psychiatric hospital staff treat patients who insist they are not actually ill, as developed David Rosenhans famous study that utilized SI paradigms. (Rosenhan)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Silence Of The Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils Essay example -- es

Silence of the Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the novel, Silence of the Lambs, we see two different extremes of evil. Dr. Chilton is evil in one respect, while Dr. Hannibal Lecter is evil in his own unique way. Dr. Chilton is the man with bad morals and feels the need to control people. He manipulates people into thinking and acting the way he wants them to. Basically he is the type of guy who takes advantage of his job position, who thinks of himself before others and only acts in ways that will benefit himself. Dr. Hannibal Lector, unlike Dr. Chilton, is unable to control his evil even if he wanted to. Dr. Lector is insane and feels the need to kill people just because he thinks they are boring and from his point of view, they do not seem suitable to be human beings. He understands the things he does are evil, but they do not phase him since he is insane. There is no question, Dr. Lecter is a truly evil man, but Dr. Chilton is the worse of the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. Chilton must morally change and take responsibility for himself. Dr. Lector is not able to take control of his evil because of the way his distorted mind thinks. Although his mind is distorted, it is still a very powerful mind which he uses to see into the minds of others. He gets into their heads and plays with their minds, internally torturing them. He is a sick man and needs therapy and constant care in a hospital because he is too... Silence Of The Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils Essay example -- es Silence of the Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the novel, Silence of the Lambs, we see two different extremes of evil. Dr. Chilton is evil in one respect, while Dr. Hannibal Lecter is evil in his own unique way. Dr. Chilton is the man with bad morals and feels the need to control people. He manipulates people into thinking and acting the way he wants them to. Basically he is the type of guy who takes advantage of his job position, who thinks of himself before others and only acts in ways that will benefit himself. Dr. Hannibal Lector, unlike Dr. Chilton, is unable to control his evil even if he wanted to. Dr. Lector is insane and feels the need to kill people just because he thinks they are boring and from his point of view, they do not seem suitable to be human beings. He understands the things he does are evil, but they do not phase him since he is insane. There is no question, Dr. Lecter is a truly evil man, but Dr. Chilton is the worse of the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. Chilton must morally change and take responsibility for himself. Dr. Lector is not able to take control of his evil because of the way his distorted mind thinks. Although his mind is distorted, it is still a very powerful mind which he uses to see into the minds of others. He gets into their heads and plays with their minds, internally torturing them. He is a sick man and needs therapy and constant care in a hospital because he is too...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

En Marà ­a el trama es ingenuo se describe el amor de Efraà ­n y Marà ­a de una manera sincera y inocente hasta que ocurre la muerte de la protagonista. La novela sentimental se identifica porque siempre tiene una pareja enamorados con diferentes problemas. Donde los hechos se desarrollaron en una forma directa, y aunque Isaacs narra en primera persona, es sabio todo lo conoce. Teniendo el conocimiento de lo que ocurre significa que la novela fue creada con elementos autobiogrà ¡ficos con aspectos de su propia vida. Esta novela presenta caracterà ­sticas importantes que utilizan en novelas romà ¡nticas como el romanticismo, costumbrismo y el realismo. En esta novela discutimos en la clase que contiene informacià ³n autobiogrà ¡fica del autor Jorge Isaacs. El vivià ³ en la casa donde se describe que era la casa de Efraà ­n donde se desarrollo el idilio en la hacienda llamada â€Å"el paraà ­so†. Conociendo detalles del autor hace entender la novela mas, como Isaacs siendo hijo de padres judà ­os igual que Efraà ­n convertido al cristianismo. Ambos estuvieron interesados en las mismas lecturas y estudiaron la poesà ­a, tambià ©n queriendo ser doctores. En esta novela se caracterizan muchos elementos importantes de una novela romà ¡ntica como la idealizacià ³n de la naturaleza. La abstraccià ³n del paisaje y la personificacià ³n caracteriza gran parte de las novelas romà ¡nticas. La cuidad del Cauca donde el autor pasà ³ su nià ±ez y mayorà ­a de su vida es donde ocurre el romance, porque Marà ­a fue adoptada por sus padres ella fue a vivir a esa casa. En que los dueà ±os, y esclavos viven del amor cristiano. La convivencia es normal a pesar de la diferencia social y econà ³micamente. Igual que la idealizacià ³n en esta novela el romanticismo està ¡ representado por varias formas. En ... ...a donde es posible estarlo en esa posicià ³n. Isaacs expone su preocupacià ³n por el realismo al prohibir la inhumanidad de lo que era la esclavitud. Las maneras de los personajes realistas se imponen en dos socios de Efraà ­n. Por ejemplo, â€Å"Pude notar que mi padre, sin dejar de ser amo, daba un trato carià ±oso a sus esclavos, se mostraba celoso por la buena conducta de sus esposas y acariciaba a los nià ±os.† Los personajes Carlos y Emigdio. Los à ºnicos personajes romà ¡ntica as son Marà ­a y la mama de Efraà ­n. Efraà ­n tiene la personalidad de su creador con cierta idealizacià ³n. El ser perfecto es grande en esta novela, la ambicià ³n de Efraà ­n y su amor imposible hace que separe a los dos. El realismo se nota en esta novela por los personajes menores como los esclavos y la clase baja. Los actores secundarios està ¡n presentados de una manera realista, y no idealizan nada romà ¡ntico.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

cordless tech :: essays research papers fc

A Cordless Future Wireless technology, from cell phones to business networks is revolutionizing the world we live in. Now we can access the Internet while in our cars, on the beach, and even at dinner. This wave of technology will soon be felt in full force as we begin to travel with the assistance of a computer, run businesses with high quality networks, and check last nights game on our digital phones and personal digital assistants (PDA). Advancements made by wireless technology are allowing us greater degrees of freedom, security, and efficiency. Cars are feeling the wave of wireless technology as we speak. â€Å"General Motors Corp.’s navigation systems subsidiary, OnStar Communications, will provide drivers voice access to the Internet, starting with 30 of its 2001 models. The OnStar service provides airbag deployment notification, remote door unlocking, location services, stolen-vehicle tracking, and remote diagnostics† (Wallace). It is easy to see why this techn ology is sought after, authorities will arrive on the seen faster, thieves will be detoured, and locking one’s keys in the car wont incorporate the vandalistic approach once used. Also it is figured that 50-80% of all cellular phone calls are made from vehicles, with this new technology voice activated technology, users can expect to have both hands free while talking. â€Å"With the new services, drivers will set up profiles from their desktop PC that are then kept on servers in OnStar’s service centers. With a hands free, voice-activated interface, OnStar subscribers will use voice prompts, such as â€Å"Start my E-mail† or â€Å"Start my stock quotes† to receive information via the Internet. The service will convert Internet text to speech and read the information via synthesizes voice† (Wallace). And if that isn’t enough, the price ranges from $199 to $399 a year, a great buy, as it will cut one’s insurance bill down to size. Truc king companies are also using wireless connections to the Internet. â€Å"Wireless Internet access is just fine with ePaccar, a division of truck maker Paccar Inc. in Mt Vernon, Wash. The unit is building a package that will let truck driver’s access more than weather and directions using a wireless Windows CE device in their cabs. The commercial transportation industry is working on razor-thin profit margins and is fiercely competitive, so the ability to provide the fastest and most fuel-efficient route saves truckers time and money. And providing them with wireless access to load-brokering sites lets them pick up more cargo and make more money without deviating much from their original route† (Wallace, â€Å"Wireless Everything†).

Understanding the Accounting Cycle

To understand accounting information and usage accounting information is of import for any concern. â€Å" Information that is provided to external parties who have an involvement in a company is sometimes referred to as fiscal accounting information, † harmonizing to Williams, Haka, Bettner, and Carcello ( 2006, p. 4 ) . The chief ground in supplying accounting and fiscal information is the usage of said information in decision-making intents. Many groups, including company direction, authorities regulative bureaus, creditors, and providers, use fiscal information in assorted ways to find a company ‘s fiscal wellness and ability to run into duties as such duties become current. Companies and their forces must understand the assorted stairss in the accounting rhythm and how such stairss provide dependable information to the users of fiscal information. What is the Accounting Cycle? The accounting rhythm is the â€Å" sequence of accounting processs used to enter, sort, and sum up accounting information in fiscal studies at regular intervals † ( p. 94 ) . The concluding readying of formal fiscal statements is ever started with the recording of concern minutess and this rhythm repeats so the concern can fix new, current, fiscal statements in response to concern minutess conducted by the house. The accounting rhythm is composed of eight stairss and includes journalizing minutess, posting journal entries to ledger histories, fixing a test balance, doing end-of-the-period accommodations, fixing an adjusted test balance, fixing fiscal statements, journalizing and posting shutting entries, and fixing an after-closing test balance. Remember debits increase assets while credits increase proprietor equity during the recording and accommodation stages of the accounting rhythm. An history â€Å" has merely three elements: ( 1 ) a rubric ; ( 2 ) a left side, which is called the debit side ; and ( 3 ) a right side, which is called the recognition side † ( p. 95 ) ; such accountings are called T histories because, on paper, the recording of such histories resembles the missive â€Å" T. † A sample T history is below: The history balance is determined in the difference between the debit and recognition sides of the history. If the debit entire is more than the recognition sum, the history is said to hold a debit balance. If the recognition sum is more, so the history is said to hold a recognition balance. In plus histories, the debit entering increases the sum in the plus history and a recognition decreases the sum in the history. Under liability and proprietors ‘ equity histories, the debit decreases the sum in the history, while a recognition increases the sum in the history. This aligns with the equation and is known as the system of double-entry history. Journalizing Minutess The first measure involves puting the concern minutess into a diary, which records the concern minutess chronologically ( daily ) . The sums entered in this subdivision are transferred to the debit and recognition subdivisions of the histories in the leger. A individual puting in the house pays $ 80,000 in hard currency in exchange for stock in the house. The two histories affected by this dealing are the Cash and Capital Stock. The first measure in journalizing this entry is come ining the name of the history debited ( Cash ) , which is written foremost, along with its dollar sum entered in the left-hand money column. The name of the history credited ( Capital Stock ) appears below Cash and is indented to the right, with the dollar sum looking in the right-hand money column. A description of the dealing appears below the diary entry. Below is a sample journal entry: Posting to Ledger Histories â€Å" Posting simple agencies updating the leger histories for the effects of the minutess recorded in the diary † ( p. 98 ) . If the individual reads the diary entry aloud, this means the old diary entries are read as â€Å" Debit Cash $ 80,000 ; recognition Capital Stock, $ 80,000. † This procedure is continued until all journal entries are record in the leger. Once all of the leger entries are calculated, the following measure is the readying of the test balance. Trial Balance The test balance is prepared to guarantee debits and credits equal one another. All of the leger histories are listed, â€Å" with debits in the left column and credits in the right column † ( Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, 2007 ) . The debit column is added foremost, so the recognition column. If the sums do non hold, the issue could be a debit was recorded alternatively of a recognition, errors in arithmetic, and clerical mistakes in copying history balances into the test balance. Both columns should be equal ; nevertheless, this does non intend that a dealing was recorded in the incorrect history. Making End-of-period Adjustments Adjustments after the test balance is created to enter accrued, deferred, and estimated sums and posting the adjusted entries to the leger histories. Once the entries are entered in the leger, the accountant prepares the adjusted test balance, which contains similar stairss to the unadjusted test balance ; nevertheless, the adjusted test balance contains the seting entries. Accrued points would include wages, involvement income, and unbilled gross ; deferred points would include postpaid insurance, office supplies, and depreciation. Fixing Fiscal Statements â€Å" Publicly owned companies-those with portions listed on a stock exchange-have duties to let go of one-year and quarterly information to their shareholders and to the populace † ( Williams, Haka, Bettner, and Carcello, 2006, p. 192 ) . The fiscal statements include the income statement, the statement of maintained net incomes, the balance sheet, and the statement of hard currency flows ( besides known as the hard currency flow statement ) . The income statement is prepared foremost because it determines the sum of net income in the statement of maintained net incomes. The statement of maintained net incomes is prepared following to supply information for the balance sheet. The balance sheet is prepared from the assets, liabilities, and equity histories of the house. Finally, the hard currency flow statement is prepared utilizing informations from the other fiscal statements. Fixing Closing Entries to Diaries and Ledger Histories Closing journal entries closes impermanent histories such as grosss and moves these histories to a impermanent income sum-up history. The balance is so transferred to the maintained net incomes history, which is a capital history ; similarly, dividend or backdown histories are closed to capital. Shutting entries are so posted to the leger histories. After these undertakings the after-closing trail balance is created to guarantee debits equal credits. Error-checking and rectification is made to this test balance. The Importance of the Accounting Cycle Re-visited All concerns prepare fiscal statements, so it is of import all comptrollers understand the accounting rhythm to guarantee the proper entry of informations and believable fiscal information out put. Eight stairss comprise the accounting rhythm, from the journalizing of concern minutess to fixing after-closing test balances. Without the accounting rhythm, the information provided in fiscal statements would non be dependable and decision-making procedures would be hard to execute by users of fiscal information.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Shariah Issues in Islamic Banking : Bay Al-Inah, Tawarruq and Wa’d

Abstract The travel of the Muslim banking and finance fabrication is a direct re sidetrackee to the growing awargonness amongst Muslim pictureing the strike of option financial products and services that is complied with the article of belief of Islam. To be specifically, the want is ground on the avoidance of the means of Riba which is widely and basically coifd in the conventional banking industry. The look for by the Moslem banking and finance industry had so furthermost been successful and it could be witnessed by the insertion of wide escape of shariah law obedient financial products and relations.However, n hotshot of us advise guarantee that the Shariah compliant products authorize ar fault-free absolutely. Among the designs of the industry, the practice of quest al-Inah or the practice of cut- put deal and buy-back, Tawarruq which quite unremarkably apply in Malaysia, engage been criticized potently especially the voices from the pose East. T he oppositewise cut down that go a foc apply be discussed briefly in this project motif is the applicability of Wad , the champion-party phone. Key footing of the research 1 bay tree al-Inah 2 Tawarruq 3 Wad 4 Al Ijarah al Muntahiya Bittamleek 5 Statutory DeclarationObjectives of the research signalise the issues of the bay al-Inah , Tawarruq and Wad encountered by the Muslim banking industry and proposal of an alternative solution to it. Table of content open INTRODUCTION shariah law slew unitary true laurel al-Inah The Concept Current serve of the exertion Legitimacy of the bay al-Inah alternate(a) Solution SHARIAH homecoming cardinal Tawarruq The Concept Current Practise of the Industry Legitimacy of the Tawarruq Alternative Solution SHARIAH unloosen THREE Wad The Concept Legitimacy of Wad Solution CONCLUSION REFERENCES GENERAL INTRODUCTIONThe rising of the Muslim banking and finance industry is a direct response to the growing aw beness amongst Musli m deferenceing the wish of alternative financial products and services that is complied with the teaching of Islam. To be specifically, the demand is based on the avoidance of the divisor of Riba which is widely and fundamentally practiced in the conventional banking industry. The attempt by the Islamic banking and finance industry had so far been successful and it could be witnessed by the launching of wide range of Shariah compliant financial products and doing.However, n ace of us can guarantee that the Shariah compliant products approved ar fault-free absolutely. Among the practices of the industry, the practice of bay al-Inah or the practice of barter and buy-back, Tawarruq which quite comm sole(prenominal) utilize in Malaysia, have been criticized potently especially the voices from the Middle East. The otherwise issue that go forth be discussed briefly in this project paper is the applicability of Wad , the nonreversible previse. SHARIAH ISSUE ONE utter al-Inah THE sen snipntLinguistically, the term Inah carries the message of salaf, or proclamationing a debate. It is used in this meaning to refer to purchasing on credit. It could in like manner be a derivative of the term ayn, which in addition center present pluss, that is cash in. Thus, it de n aces a situation whereby one corrupts an addition for its subsequent bargain on cash that is needed by him. Bay al-Inah is oecumenically defined as an brass whereby a v block upor sells to the buyer almost object for cash deferred throwment wherefore, simultaneously, the trafficker mmediately buys back the resembling object for a lesser amount than the deferred statutory injury in cash. Thus, the achievement amounts to a loan whereby the deflection between the deuce scathes represents the stake . Modus Operandi The to a higher place diagram shows the modus operandi of the Bay al-Inah that has been practiced by the Islamic banks in Malaysia so far. In this relations, t he bank sells its asset to the node who is in need of runniness on credit. The hurt under the sale includes the banks profit perimeter charged on the node.Subsequently, the bank buys back the asset from the node for cash payment. Eventually, the customer gets the cash payment, and pay the bank the deferred charge over a tenure by periodic instalments which constitutes the undistinguishable effect and outlet of a loan . CURRENT PRACTICE IN THE attention In Malaysia, the practice of Inah may invite 2 names, depending on the original proprietor of the asset. If the asset to be used moves to the customer, the promise is known as Bay Bithaman Ajil (BBA). If the asset belongs to the bank, then the take up provide be named as Bay al-Inah. ven though the legal documents may differ from one financial support to the other, entirely the common documentation will consist of Property Purchase placement (PPA) and Property Sale obligation (PSA). Besides, the get Facility Agre ement will also be prepared to encapsulate and flesh verboten out all necessary ingredients of the installation granted. These documents reveals that though the devil sale announcements are executed separately without reservation one of them conditional to the other, the master facility Agreement has clearly indicated the heading of the parties in offset appearance into these two consecutive sale contracts.authenticity OF speak AL-INAH The primary(prenominal) proponents of Bay al-Inah is the Shafii condition. The Shafii jurists have ornament their permissibility in a situation whereby a psyche sells a trade good on cash or credit terms and hands over give birthion, and the parties separate with mutual pleasure about the contract, it is permissible for him to purchase it from the previous buyer for an amount suitable to, higher, or trim down than the configurationer price, of the analogous currency as before or unalike, paying cash or oncredit, after receiving payment for the previous sale or before it.On this basis, harmonise to the authoritative military posture upheld by the Shafii scholars, the two independent contracts, jointly referres to as Inah are held valid, but reprehensible. This article of belief all the same applied when one of the two parties is known for the practice of Inah, as according to the principle upheld by the Shafii school, the intention of the parties, plane when it happens to be un grateful, does non issue in the in validness of the contract, unless such(prenominal) intention is given(p) expression in the contractual text.As a payoff, it will be the suit whereby even the situation indicates the parties intention to carry out a imprimatur sale, this will not necessitate the in inclemency of the contract. In a simple word, the Shafii school considered the intention of the parties entirely taken into account when the incapacitate intention is explicitly written in the contract . In the other side, t he Maliki and Hanbali schools opined that the contract of Bay al-Inah is not valid.The Maliki jurists have categorized the transit in question under buyu al-ajal, which concerns on the discussion of conglomerate form of two sale contract being fetching place in sequence involving crew of diverse prices and periods. They have depict 9 possible variations, the permissibility of two of which have been subjects of disparate opinions, period at that place is unanimity pertaining to the rest. It was utter that when one sells a commodity on a deferred payment and in that respectafter purchases it again, the price in the mo transaction could be deferred for a period equal to the first, shorter than the first, or longer.In each of these situations, the price of the fleck transaction could be equal to that of the first, lower than, or higher. The types where jurists have differed are -where the price of the second transaction is lower than that of the first, and is on a cash basi s and -where the price of the second transaction is higher than that of the first and is deferred for a longer period. Imam Maliki and other jurists regard these formats invalid.They considered the second transaction along with the first, and regard the grounds viable enough to doubt that the aspiration is to exchange an amount of bullion with a higher amount that is deferred, which intimately constitutes the prohibited Riba. accordingly, the transaction acts as a medium for attaining what is prohibited and it is invalid inherently. The Hanbali school agreed that the Bay al-Inah is not valid as the difference of the selling price of a commodity with profit security deposit and the lesser buying price transaction serve as an avenue leadership to Riba.One could seek to legalise the sale of one thousand against one thousand five hundred by involving an asset in this manner. But, it was also mentioned that if the price of the second transaction is equal to that or higher than th e first transaction, then it is permissible since no margin equal to the nature of Riba is involved. The above belief applies where the commodity had not diminished in or so(prenominal)(prenominal) manner after its sale. If it had diminished, it could be purchased at any price, as any decrease in the price could be against the loss of value in the asset, and not for the purpose of Riba.If the purchase is against another(prenominal) asset, or the first sale was against an asset and the commodity is then redemptiond for cash, it is permissible due to the accompaniment that Riba is not applicable between bullion and commodities. If the first sale is on cash, and the second sale takes place through another currency, it is permissible. Basically, the determination of validity in contract is based on the parties cause and validity in sale under stipulation, the motive of the parties is illegal will put the sale invalid aas it constitutes a legal widget to obtain a loan with inte rest which should be averted.Imam Hanifah from the Hanafi school opined that if the two prices are such that Riba could be applicable such as gold and silver, and are identical in type, for example gold, it is not allowed to repurchase the sell commodity except at a price equal to the first, without any increase or decrease in price. If the price of the first sale was such that Riba is not applicable, such as commodities, he may repurchase the sold commodity for a price higher than the initial price or lower.If the two prices belong to different types where Riba is applicable such as gold and silver, disparity between them although analogically permissible, but is unlawful based on Istishsan. The bulk objection to Bay al-Inah were supported by a number of hadith attributed to the vaticinator and his companions. One of the example was the Hadith that the visionary warned those who practiced Bay al-Inah with calamity (bala) or disparagement (dhill). Another example was a report on a Bay al-Inah transaction that had been brought to the knowledge of Aishah r. a. hich read Aliyah hive a delegacyti Ayfa state I entered Aishahs place with Umm Walad of Zaid bin Arqam and his wife. Then, Umm Walad of Zaid bin Arqam tell I had sold a slave to Zaid bin Arqam for 800 dirhams on deferred payment. Then I bought him back from Zaid for 600 dirhams cash. Aishah replied genuinely bad is what you sold and bought. Convey to Zaid that he had nullified his struggle with the seer, unless he repented. election SOLUTION Al Ijarah al Muntahiya Bittamleek low this structure, the bank appoints customer to be its agent to make purchases from the seller.The customer then takes the purchased asset on lease from the bank, for rental payments. At the end of the lease period, the asset will be transferred to the customer via a sale (normally the price of the last rental payment) or as a gift. SHARIAH ISSUE TWO Tawarruq THE CONCEPT Tawarruq has been generally used to refer to an arrang ement whereby a person who was in need of cash bought roughly goods for deferred payment. Then he sold the goods to another party other than the original seller for payment of cash with a lower price . Tawarruq is considered an alteration based on the Bay al-Inah.The distinction between the Bay al-Inah and Tawarruq is that the person who requires liquidity purchases an asset from a seller on credit, thereafter sells it on cash basis at a price lower than the purchase price to the seller in the case of Bay al-Inah. However, Tawarruq involves a third party whereby the one who requires liquidity purchase an asset from mortal on credit, and thereafter sells it, usually for a lower price, to a person other than the original seller. So, the structure does not give a direct indication of Hilah only if to undercover the Riba.Modus Operandi CURRENT PRACTICE IN THE INDUSTRY The concept of Tawarruq contract is best-selling(predicate) among the contemporary Islamic financial scheme. In fa ct, the short term financial backing which various adaptions of Murabaha was used as the standard modality by the majority of Islamic banks in the industry is in deed structurally designed based on this Tawarruq principle. However, there are some variation on the simple structure of Tawarruq due to the spring the Islamic banks encounter objections from the classical scholars with the kindred stand and analogy as the way they enounced the Bay al-Inah. One of the most popular variation is the Tawarruq Masrafiy. In this mode of Tawarruq Masrafiy, the Islamic bank is acting as a mere intermediary and does not possess the asset that could be readily brought into the Tawarruq financing process and therefore is in need of liaising with a trader/ broker, usually an impertinent party, for the purpose of facilitating the Tawarruq contract. Similarly, the disposal of such asset by the customer of the facility necessarily to be further simplified by the mediation of an agent.Hence, this T awarruq Masrafiy could be more building complex in its structure . Modus Operandi LEGITIMACY OF TAWARRUQ near of the scholars make their conclusion on the validity of Tawarruq based on the same governing and analogy of the validity of the Bay al-Inah. The scholars who have upheld the permissibility of Tawarruq have fundamentally relied on the general connotation of the verse permitting sale turn prohibiting usury. Tawarruq as a type of sale, is include indoors this context of permissibility due to the absence seizure of any Quranic verse or Hadith that rules it unlawful.The proponents somemore cited the Hadith reported by the accessory Abu Said al-Khudri which narrates that a man from the role of Khaybar who had been contracted the upkeep of a plantation came to the visionary with some dates of good gauge. When the Prophet asked him whether all dates of Khaybar were of similar whole step, the man replied in the shun and added that they used to obtain a measure of repair dates against two measures of workaday dates, and two measures against three measures.The Prophet forbade him from doing so and directed him to sell the low quality dates against silver coins, and then purchase better dates against silver . This Hadith indicates the permissibility of using the described method for avoiding involvement in Riba overtly or covertly the medium of a sale is employed, which fulfils all conditions and prerequisites of sales, free of factors that result in its invalidity. The intention of procuring dates of better quality as the end result of the transaction has not been considered to invalidate the material structure.Hence, this shows that the law og the sale transaction where different purposes are intended when the medium utilized is acceptable and free of Riba explicitly and implicitly. As a conclusion for the proponents, it is permissible to attain liquidity through a medium of sale such as the case of Tawarruq when there is a need for doing so. On t he other hand, the denouncers of the Tawarruq have mainly concentrated on the aspect of intention.They argues that the intention here is to gratify silver, which could tentamount to the sale of money against a different amount of money, while the asset serves only as a medium, the acquisition of which is not primarily intended. Therefore the structure strongly connotes the possibility of a legal stratagem adopt for this purpose. thus a major causality for the disapproval of tawarruq is that it appears to be a Hilah adopt for attainment of what could other be Riba. It is money against money, with a piece of silk cloth pushed in between. as the stand of Ibn Abbas when he was asked on the question regarding the permissibility issue. One of the frequent cited politics by these denouncers is the Hadith which reported that The Prophet has said A time is for sure coming to mankind when pot will bite each other and a rich man will take up fast what he has in his self-control tho ugh he has not commanded for that.Allah the noble said (and do not impart liberty between yourselves), and then those who are forced to contract sales while the Prophet forbade forced contracts, one which involves some un authoritativety and sales of fruits before they are ripe. In a simple word, the end result of the whole transaction is their main concern in determining the legality of a particular structure of transaction. Hence, the Tawarruq is deemed vigor but equally to the practice of Riba as the purpose of Tawarruq is to obtain instant cash for a higher status later.In the OIC Islamic Fiqh Academy in its 15th Meeting, it was persistent that the Tawarruq is allowed. However, in its later meeting, ehich is the 17th Meeeting, the OIC Islamic Fiqh Academy clarified its stand on Tawarruq by stating that the Tawarruq Masrafiy that largely adopted by the Islamic financial institutions is disallowed. The reasoning scum bag the disapproval is that the Tawarruq Masrafiy practic ed by the Islamic banks is in the form of organized Tawarruq or pre-planned Tawarruq rather than ad hoc Tawarruq which cuasing it almost celluloid and fictitious as Bay al-Inah in essence.ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION Since the problem of Tawarruq shares the similar features of the Bay al-Inah, the alternative solution could be the same as discussed in the former part. Hence the Al Ijarah al Muntahiya Bittamleek could be the surrogate for both(prenominal) Bay al-Inah and Tawarruq as a solution for avoiding the Riba element concerned. SHARIAH ISSUE THREE Wad THE CONCEPT The 3-letter root WA-A-D (wad), corresponding to the verb Waada, indicates a promise but can also be used for a threat.The expert definition of Wad (promise) is based upon the linguistic definition, affirming the positive meaning and excluding the negative meaning (threat). A promise has to be for something Maruf (recognized as good by the Shariah and sound intellect). If a promise is to do something evil or wrong, then it is not obligatory to fulfill it and the time in which a promise is to be fulfilled is the future, not the time at which the promise is make. The problem incurred in application of Wad is that some banks acquire that their one-sided promise (Wad) is not binding.However if the customer breaks his/ her colored promise, then the bank charges the customer for the loss incurred as a result of not fulfilling his one-party promise . LEGITIMACY OF WAD The solution 1409H of the Islamic Fiqh Academy has decided that a unilateral promise (Wad) which is issued unilaterally by all orderer or the client, is by godliness binding upon the promisor except where otherwise justified. It is also judicially binding if it is do contingent upon a reason and if the unilateral promise (Wad) entails a cost for the unilateral promise (Wad).Insuch cases, the consequences of the binding constitution of the unilateral promise (Wad) are determined by every the fulfillment of the unilateral promise (Wad) or by reparation for losses actually incurred as a result of the non-fulfillment of the unilateral promise (Wad) without justification. According to the resolution of the Islamic Fiqh Academy that prohibits the Wad to be binding on both parties but allowed it to be so on one of them, it is rather too willy-nilly and hardly acceptable. It should be the other way round whereby one should treat the Wad either binding on both parties or optional for both parties.Making it binding upon one to the exclusion of the other, is baffled and denotes a misinterpretation of jurisprudential principles. In a summary, it is admissible for Wad as an alternative to a invalid contract to be binding because Wad is analogous to a contract as well. Any suggestion for making it binding upon both or either parties explicitly or impliedly with any other Hilah is not founded on any original basis. SOLUTION The Wad is at its best to be excluded in the practice of the Islamic banking legal documentation sys tem due to the uncertainty and arbitrariness.However, the characteristic of the Wad might be use through a contemporary form of statutory declaration in declaring certain sub-condition for the contract between the bank and customer instead of the main terms and conditions of the contract. For example, if the touchable estate was brought on the purpose for self-staying purpose instead of profit generation, then the statutory declaration may be made in declaring this. This might not be the main issue in the pull of the banks facility agreement which must be included within the terms but can be proclaimed in the way of declaration.For the consideration and/or performance that is a great deal of the essence(predicate) which will affect both parties essentially, of curriculum must be included in the facility documents entered by the parties and there is no point to make it in a rather uncertainty form of Wad. CONCLUSION The Al Ghazali once said that the very objective of the Sharia h is to provoke the offbeat of the people and whatever ensures the safeguarding of peoples faith, life, intellect, posterity and wealth serves the public interest and is desirable.In the issue of Wad, it is sure as shooting not the best form of contract to the Islamic banking industry that put much demand on certainty, hence it would be rather fully utilize the isobilateral contract on main consideration/performance or only using the statutory declaration on the to the lowest degree important issue such as the example given since the ambiguity part of the Wad is not fortune the public interest for all. From the point of Shariah, the Bay al-Inah and Tawarruq is not really serving the welfare of people and it has similar oppressive character of Riba.The banks are still getting the pre-determined rate of return and the application of Bay al-Inah or in other name BBA and Tawarruq is by and large cosmetic. If the Islamic banks label their hamburger as a MECCA burger, as long as it still has the same ingredients as a McDonalds burger, is it really any different in substance? It is also the case between the Bay al-Inah, Tawarruq with inherent Riba element and the conventional interest-based loan.References A Book Dr. Muhammad Saleem (2005), Islamic Banking- Observation and Arguments on Riba (interest or usury), Islamic Banking Practices, Venture Capital and Enlightenment, published by Xlibris Corporation, p26. Professor Rafic Yunus Al-Masri (2002), The Binding Unilateral name (Wad) in Islamic Banking Operations Is it allowable for a Unilateral herald (Wad) to be Binding as an Alternative to a Proscribed Contract? , J.KAU Islamic Econ, Vol 15 pg29-33 Dr. Mohamad Akram Laldin, The Concept of Promise and Bilateral Promise in pecuniary Contracts A Fiqhi Perspective, The supranational Shariah Research Academy (ISRA), pg 3-30 Muhammad Abd al Ghaffar, al Tatbiqat al Masrafiyyah li al Tawarruq, pg 16 SH1003 Shariah Rules in Financial Transactions of CIFP Module 201 2, published by the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), pg 97- 129Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar and Dr. Engku Rabiah Adawiah Engku Ali (2008), Essential Readings In Islamic Finance, CERT Publications Sdn Bhd pg 133-165 http//www. isra. my/media-centre/downloads/finish/7-islamic-banking/273-the-concept-of-promise-and-bilateral-promise-in-financial-contracts-a-fiqhi-perspective-english/0. html retrieved 17/11/2012 20. 00pm http//dahabshilbank. com/cms. php? id=ijarah_en& retrieved 16/11/2012 16. 00pm